On Frequency Curves of Violins
Translated from Hermann Meinel. Über Frequenzkurven von Geigen. Akust. Z., 2, 22-33 (1937)
Hermann Meinel’s classic article from 1937 presents a pioneering application of new measurement technology to some important “single-parameter” systematic investigations of the violin, viz., i) too-thick → normal → too-thin plate tuning, ii) loose(normal) → tight → removed soundpost, iii) too-high → normal → flat arching, and iv) before → after varnishing. Meinel used a bowing machine for excitation and a single microphone for response measurements. All the signature modes radiate nominally isotropically hence single microphone radiation measurements are still valid at low frequencies; in the high frequency region it is best to adopt a more statistical approach and look at an overall amplitude envelope.